Sunday, March 29, 2009

Look !
i seriously respect this man.
Breaking his piggy bank just feed STRAY cats.
C'mon, how many of you would seriously do this ?
The touching part is.
But yet his spending his savings on foods for stray cats.
He once own a dog for 25 years but it was killed in a accident.
25 YEARS tawwwww.
He's not married btw.
He's not keeping anymore pets.
but instead,he's helping to feed the strays.
And for that.
I respect you old man.

how you love me now.

Reeyah suke ikot ape orang makan taw.
okay bye.
Munn. come onlineeeeeeeee !

Didn't know that you felt like this and these
things that you saying makes me reminice
about the good times we had when things were so cool,
and now your hurting.
Damn, am i the fool?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Don't blink don't close your eyes,
but most of all don't apologise.

Promise me that you'll wait.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Benny(pic 1) and Cocoa(pic 2) !
Who cuter ehh ?

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Mimaaaaaaaaaaaa !
Munn's favourite.

Awaaaaaaaaaak !
Hakim's favourite.

Friday, March 13, 2009

The first time i lay my eyes on you,
I know that you were the one.
But our love was to good to be true,
And here we are,finished and done.

As i recalled back when we were together,
The date 1st August kept appearing in my head.
But everyone knows there's no such thing as forever,
So I'll try to move on instead.