Wednesday, December 30, 2009

R.i.p The Rev.
You will always be remembered as one of the best drummest in the world.
No, that's not The Rev on top.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I love my friends.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Congrats Sezairi for winning Singapore Idol 2009 !!!!!
fcuk yeaaaaah !!!
It's a hatrick for the malays.
3 times in a row, all the idols are malays.

Sylvia, you're still a winner.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Kepada semua umat-umat muslimin dan musliman,
selamat menyambut Hari Christmas !

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Im bored.
I tell you all story.
come come listen ok ?
See the handsome up there ?
He just now hero yknow.
I was at traffic light there ah waiting.
Red light maah.
Then beside me got this one lady at her son.
The road was clear,but still red man.
She thought it was save for her to cross without noticing a car was speeding towards her.
I alert what.
I was holding a mac chicken at that point of time.
When the car honk, without thinking twice,
i DROP my mac chicken to save them.
I run then pulled them both back.
It was very saddening to a once a scrumptious burger drop at the floor,
thus making it un-scrumptious.
i shed a tear.
The aunty then thank me.
i just kept quiet.
Then she gave me $20 bucks.
waaaaah syok aah !

I hero today.
tmrw confirm come out newspaper one.

Today work as a kendarat for 6 hours.
Got 30 bucks.
Then went to scape for gigs.
Fahmy cb win LUCKY DRAW !!
see ah the first picture.
happy right he ?
Then closure perform.
Mosh was fucking rad.
My body surf didnt last long tho.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Dzhabar reply my msg on fb !!!!!

Hakim Hoho December 19 at 8:11pm
Salam Dzhabar,im your biggest fan. Im from singapore and i have been trained under zach before. All the best in your future, you really inspire me. Hope you come to BNM one day.
Dzhabar Askerov December 19 at 8:12pm
vaaleikum assaam mate
thanks maybe one day il come

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Life is great when you have awesome bunch of friends.
Sayang korang.
Rest of the pic at fb.

Friday, December 11, 2009

This is it.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Went to vivo with acap, zuhairi and hakim.
Took a few pics and went to watched New Moon.
for me damn boring ley.
no action.
just love scene.
waste money only.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

This girl lepak until 10.30 then bangge.
minah-rep kecik.
34 kg ah.
Ibu say maybe 'something' followed be back from Ubin.
Well im not sure cause i have not experience anything unusual
but both of my sister has.
They claim that they here noises and my eldest sister was
disturbed in her sleep before.
As for me, i just caught a fever.

So yeah,i am a little bit terrified.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Everyone brace yourself.
December is gonna be a wild month.

Friday, December 4, 2009

After five really exhausting tiring day,
it have finally came to an end.
Waah cb.
whole body cramp,
then got idk how many sand fly bites.
cb damn itchy siaaaaaaa.
the most challenging activity form me was on the 3rd and 4th day ahh.
waah sian.
one the 3rd day,
imagine kayaking for 7 straight whole hours.
rounding pulau ubin.
some more my kayak always move senget oneee.
not straight.
i parnet with nadzirah and aishah.
they cb yknow.
i row the kayak they can peel orange.
cb i not tired aaah ?
then campsite no toilet.
want shit must dig a whole.
luckily i didnt shit for 5 days aaaah.
pro right.
then right,got one girl stupid siaa.
idk who ahh.
cause only got her shit and panties only.
at the girls 'toilet', we were supposed to DIG a whole to shit kan ?
she didnt.
she even shit and the entrance of the 'toilet' and not AT the toilet.
then can dispose her disposable panties there.
then ppl need to clean up her shit.
stupid siaaaaa.
The fourth day, out team lost a challenge.
then must track with 6-7 kg bag for a whole 8 hours.
damn tired siaaaaaaaaaaaa.
shoulder and feet aching like fcukkkkkk.
but after compliting every activity,
like got proud ahh.
ofcourse ahhh.
you think the activity easy mehhhh ?

so yeaah.
now im back.
and i is very sad now.